

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Our Nation

This is my blog, so I'm going to write how I feel.  If you want to argue or anything, I'll just delete the comment.  I'm too tired and too stressed to debate.

I've been on twitter today.  I admitted that I have always voted Republican but don't know anymore.  Although, I look back and disagree with really some things on both sides.  A lot of things actually.  So, I've decided to call myself a humanitarian instead of affiliate with any parties.  I will vote for who makes the most sense.  There is something I want to point out.

I am a white woman.  White privileged and all except I have Stage 4 Lung Cancer that I can barely keep up with, much less some of the BLM movements going on.  I want to help.  What was done to George Floyd was awful, as so many others have been treated.  I cried.  I wanted to help.  

I live in the same county Ahmaud Arbery was chased down and shot in broad daylight, yet the DA refused to press charges.  I cried then too and am mad as hell still.  

But, racism is a two way street.  I was on twitter asking how to help, what I could do, and generally trying to let people understand that just because I've voted Republican in no way means I am for the cop in Minnesota or the guys in Brunswick.  It was all due to a meme that was posted that showed that cop as the republican and the cop watching a democrat.  

So, I gave up and called myself a humanitarian.  This was after I was asked if I even went to school (they called me "bruh").  I was told "every person saying 'fuck color and gender' is just trying to convince US their political party is the one for the people".  I don't like the words "they" and "us".  We need words like we.  I guess I'm just naive.

I was told "don't be a sheep" after asking for suggested websites.  When I said I empathize I get a response, "empathize like your president who mocks the handicapped and puts babies behind bars".  I was told "good luck white girl trying to help out black folks".  And then a whole twitter war started about whether Lincoln was a Republican or democrat.  There was a lot more and personnel attacks. 

I mean wow.  I'm just trying to help people understand it is a two way street.  I was kind to every person no matter how much I was insulted.  Which for me is very hard.  I know not all people like the ones on social medial, but how would any of that make me want to help?  I even said, "I am a white woman so do not fully understand but empathize".  

So, now I need a nap and blocked a couple of people.   There were some very helpful people in there, like sunny.  But it takes conversation and dialogue, not personnel attacks, to overcome these things.  Don't try and educate with "you're stupid".  What good does that do?  Nothing.  

I'm raising my child that everyone is created equal.  Maybe if everyone did that, our next generation may look a whole lot different.  Right now we should be fighting the coronavirus.  Not spreading it.  And riots and looting are only ruining the communities from which protesters came.  

I saw some great suggestions on there too.  Anyway, I stepped away.  I just want us all to be one nation, under God.  Not a nation at the edge of collapse because of the economics and damages.  

Anyway, I'll get back to blogging more.  I've been in a funk since this quarantine.  J/K   I've been painting way too much.  

Just know that we are with everyone, from George Floyd to the Police officer shot in the head for no reason.  Everyone should be treated equal.  That was God's intent.  Love thy neighbor.  And please pray for Debbie Pouncey McGettigan and her family for comfort.

God bless!

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