According to the radiology report, I have an "accessory spleen". What the what? I googled it, and apparently 10% of the population have it as well. It's like a second, smaller spleen or spleen tissue. It was the first time it had been mentioned on my radiology report so I was concerned but my oncologist quickly assured me that it was no big deal. He compared it to an accessory, such as the hair extensions I failed to wear to the appointment today. Then he went on to make fun of my tarceva hair. Funny guy, that one. I really do like him, we have similar personalities.
So, all in all it was a very good day. I know it wasn't a good day in cancerland for everyone, this is hard too. You see, when you are diagnosed with cancer, your circle of friends widens and extends to people you rarely (if ever) talked to before. These people share the cancer bond with you. So, you become close, sharing your fears, anxieties, ailments, sadness, and joy. The hard part is when you get a good result and they don't. Or if you don't even have results and their health begins to decline. Sometimes you lose them. This is so hard on so many levels emotionally. It's like living in a different world. One day they are there and the next time you reach out, you don't get a response, and you just know. You either didn't get a chance to say goodbye or saying goodbye would make them lose hope. But, you want them to know you love them. They've been there for you and you for them and you've become so close it's hard to imagine not being able to talk or message them again. It's one thing to drift away as friends. Death is a whole different form of torture for the ones left behind. And who knows, you could be next.
I know God has a plan for all of us. I'm looking forward to finding out what that is one day. Until then, I'm praying for my friends Gretchen, Carmen, Angel, Lysa, and Brad Graves....and a secret one. Thank you all for your continuous prayers for us. They mean more than you can ever fathom.
I'm getting ready for bed now, Battle of Atlanta tomorrow so I get to watch the karate kids! Thank you all again and thank you Lord for another day.