

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

LUNGevity Weekend

I went to my second LUNGevity Hope Summit.  It was an honor for Lisa Goldman and me to be able to speak on behalf of advocates.  We are total opposites, but like I said then, she and I have been rocks for each other for so many years.  I know many of you are asking yourselves, "how could you be friends with someone who craves a vegan taco?".  You are not alone in this question.  I've asked myself this same question since Sunday.  I've really thought about it.  And I realized, if we can get past our difference in religion and politics, we can get past this.  Although, my love for mexican food is so strong, I love Lisa a little more.

It was an honor to also be a moderator.  I wanted more time to talk to everyone but it seemed like time just flew by.  It's so amazing to be surrounded by people who are going through the same things you are.  And, I made so many great friends, including Heidi, Leslie, Frank, Chris, Katiejoe, Bobbijoe, Allen, Ron, Lynn, Nicole, my roomie Kelly Shannon (love her), Mary, Susan, Lisa, Jeff, Ivy, Danielle, Cyndi, Barbara, Dena, I mean, the list goes on and on.  It was so great to put faces with facebook profiles and build up more of a support system.  I also loved seeing old friends like Linnea, Lisa G. (love her), Lysa B., Jill, Katie, Melissa, Nikole, Andrea, Chris, Kimberly, Jim, Sandra, Dusty, Patty, Don, Anita, and Keith.  That list goes on and on too.

The bond I have with these people will forever be.  And I pray for everyone that was there and even the ones unable to attend.  None of us deserve this but it's the hand we were dealt.  And everyone there does a damn good job of dealing with it.  Ok.  So, I know pics hadn't come out and these are all on my fb page, but I had to post again.  Oh, and I stole some, so sue me!  I couldn't pick just a few.  I loved them all.  Even though, in a lot of them I have no idea what I'm doing....

Thank you for all your continuous prayers and please pray for all of these people.  And please pray for a friend, Erika, who tragically lost her son last night.  She's always been such an encouraging soul to me, I hate that she has to suffer this.  No parent should have to bury their child.


  1. Beautifully written. It is true, the feelings we have for one another are so huge, so tremendously meaningful, no one could ever understand it... And it is all based on us, together or on our own, all sludging through the Lung Cancer experience. We are, true Survivors and give new meaning to that plain old word... cause we are a group of enormous positivity, a few set backs maybe, but full of gratitude and forward looking & thinking. I loved your talk... Sweet southern gal and California hottie... what a combo!

    1. Thank you so much! We are quite the combo. Although this disease is awful, I would've never met half the friends I have. Such a great support system. Looking forward to next year!
