

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Tis the Season for so many emotions

The season to be jolly.  Christmas, representing so much for so many people.  To my family and me, it represents the birth of Christ.  It's always been a magical time, even now, as an adult, something about this holiday fills me with such joy.  But I know it's not this way for everyone.

As I spend time with my family over Christmas, I'm going to remember all of the people that have been in my life that have gone before me as well as their friends and family.  I'm praying for you all.  Because although this holiday fills me with joy, some people are missing a loved one.  That empty chair at the dinner table.  Holidays can be so rough on some people.  

In a way I got a bit down this Christmas when I looked back at the loss, not just this year, but over time.  Most of the loss was from people I met in the cancer world, but not all.  It's foolish to be upset over some things beyond my control, but the survivor's guilt can really take it's toll.  There's no getting out of this world without loss.  With the help of Nicole Russell, I put together a little flipagram to remember those the world lost in hopes that it will remind you that we are not immortal.  Your life can change in an instant.  We only have a brief time on this earth, let's make the most of it with kindness and love for each other.  

As we are celebrating the birth of Christ, not presents, or egg nog, or Santa, but the birth of the son God gave to save us, I also remember all the angels we have looking down on us.  Cancer takes away a lot from you, but I will not let it take away my character or spirit.  Please take a moment and pray for these families, and for the ones still fighting to survive.   Like I said, not all left with lung cancer (although that comprises about 95% of this flipagram), but they are no longer here.  And for this reason, their families will struggle.   And for this reason, we will continue the fight so their deaths are not in vain.  They may no longer be here to have a voice, but we are, we do, and we will.  God bless you all, and don't forget Jesus is the reason for the season.

Thank you all for your continuous prayers.  They do mean the world to me.  And again, please pray for the families of the loved ones lost and those fighting for their life.  Click on the link below to see the slideshow.  I'm sorry if I left anyone out, there have been so many.

And I'm sorry for the sad post, but it's been a rough year.  And I am beyond blessed to be spending another year with my girl.  I am so grateful.   Please don't take this as a post about depression.  It's the opposite, I'm celebrating life.

Our first Christmas in this "New Normal"