

Thursday, January 23, 2014


I've been pretty busy since my last update.  We had Karley's party this past weekend and today we took the toys to Wolfson Children's Hospital.  I'm so blessed to have such a great kid.

I remember being so down last year, thinking it would be the last time I would get to go to Karley's birthday party.  My goal was to make it to the next one.  I had so little faith back then.  I tried to pretend to be strong, but inside I was beyond scared.  Thanks to some great friends and the people at Ziggy's, she had an "EPIC" birthday.  She had so many friends come out and they danced their little hearts out.  It filled my heart with such joy to see her so happy.  Thank you to everyone who came out and brought your little ones.  It made her day so special.  Here are just a few pics...

Today we went to Nemour's to have her ear checked out again.  For those that are unaware, Karley has had issues with her ears since she was 1.  She's had two sets of tubes and a surgery a few years ago to patch a busted eardrum after losing her hearing in that ear.  The patch busted a few months post surgery and we were hoping it would repair itself.  We found out today that she now has hearing loss again and will need another surgery.  This one won't be as difficult to recover from luckily.

It's amazing how much closer I am to God now.  The old Samantha would be stressing like crazy over this, worried something would go wrong during surgery.  I now know I have no control over that.  Everything that happens in our lives is all part of His plan and worrying won't do anything to change the outcome. 

While we were at Nemours and Wolfsons today dropping of the gifts, we stopped by to visit a girl from our church battling leukemia.  Karley and I hadn't met her before, but Karley insisted we go.  Ansley Jones has such an amazing spirit and positive attitude.  She helped Karley make a paper mache candle holder and we talked for a bit.  Please pray for her, she's so young and such a sweet and graceful young lady.  It was such a blessing just to get to meet her.

As for my health, I finished my steroids and now am working on my weight.  My tarceva rash is back in full force, covering my arms and face.  It seems to come and go, as well as the GI issues and fatigue.  Fun Fun, I'm just grateful to be here!  Next scans are in March, so please pray they are clean!  Thank you all so much for your continuing support and prayers.  I'm breathing pretty good right now.

In bible study, we've been talking about how God will put us in circumstances where we have to depend on Him.  It really hit home for me because I know before I got sick, I took credit for everything I did.  But He put me in a situation that would be IMPOSSIBLE without Him.  That's how He works.  So, when things go wrong in your life, sometimes you have to step back and think about how He is working to make you dependent on Him, and how sometimes there is good that can come out of that bad situation.  It's all part of His plan.  A plan we won't fully understand until we're with Him in His kingdom.  Until then, we have to keep our faith.

Finally, please continue to pray for peace and strength for Marjorie Polk and her family.  They need so many prayers right now.  Pray for her to be free from pain.

Ecclesiastes 6:10
"Everything has already been decided.  It was known long ago what each person would be.  So there's no use arguing with God about your destiny."

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