

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Plan

We went to see the Radiation Oncologist about what our next course of action will be.  He explained that the PetScan indicated the other tumors appeared to be inactive.  The only active cancer area was the main tumor, in the lower right lobe.  This is the tumor that has progressed and appears to have built a resistance to the Tarceva.  This was something we were aware may happen.

The plan is to begin radiation Monday.  I was fitted for the full body suit today.  Radiation to the chest is very different because when you breathe, your lungs move, making the tumor move.  This process makes radiation a little more difficult.

The radiation oncologist feels that we have a 90% chance of this radiation being effective in stopping the spread of the main tumor.  We are trying to kill it.  He was very positive, letting us know that radiation would probably not have been possible had the cancer still been widespread.

So, this is all good news.  I just let it go, gave it to God, and He's taking care of it!

I'm so thankful for this news. It does mean I'll be in Atlanta a lot over the next few weeks, but when the radiation oncologist used the words, "remission is possible", I was all for it!

I would like to thank God for listening to my prayers.  He knows how badly I want to be here for my sweet girl.  And thank all of you prayer warriors and supporters that have been praying for me.  Please don't stop!  I'll still be on the Tarceva forever and there are always things that can go wrong, but I'm not worrying about them.  I'm just living my life, and enjoying it.

Please continue to remember the following additional people in your prayers:   Marjorie Polk,Tim Gravitt, Shelley Miller, Sheila Hodges, Seanna Reannon New, Peggy Fogerty, Gretchen Mitchell Anderson, Dylan Rosier and James Robert Smith.  They still all have their own battles.

Please pray for strength and peace for Marjorie and her family right now.  She is having a fundraiser October 5th.  Please see Marjorie's Fundraiser to find out more information.

Reggie still has an active fundraiser to help pay his medical bills, especially now with his additional medical expenses.  It's at Reggie's Fundraiser.  Reggie needs our help now even more now!

Psalm 106:1
"Praise the Lord.  Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever."

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